Thursday, 14 July 2016

The Bolt: "Side by side" - or "Why am I showing you this?"

As I stated in an earlier post I used a lot of the layouts from the very first Bolt comic from waaaaaay back even I don't remember when. All I know it was sometime in the nineties (at a guess 92ish). I thought it might be interesting to show the pages that had a similar layout side by side.

A thing of beauty: The original Bolt page 1.
Well at least this one is in colour.
I can identify quite a few artistic influences in the top panel alone: it has a bit of Mcfarlane, Liefeld, failed Lee, possibly some Breyfogle and some Perez effects. As you can see the styles are all blended seamlessly. Sigh. Wait til I show some other pages, it actually gets worse haha.

Other points of difference include:
The original VW is a little off model ( as pointed out by my father who was a mechanic
The original VW passengers were a LOT more hostile to The Bolt, calling him some not very politically correct names, hence the substituted grawlix.
The original was theoretically set in the Sydney area, whereas the new version is set in fictional Edensburgh.
The original Bolts power wasn't so much "electical" but more "blasty" hence the stars on the logo and inspite of being "electrifying".
The bolt's origin is different in the new version.

Importantly, the new version has a far superior script thanks to Michael Stoneburner. Mike is the one who coined the hilarious term "stay-at-home-weight-lifter".

Fun fact: The bus number 775 is number of a bus I frequently got stuck behind on the afternoon commute home.